Friday, February 3, 2017

WORLD CANCER DAY (WE CAN. I CAN) - Adigom Donatus.... read more and see all you will about cancer!!!

Today is world cancer day and so I lend my voice to the fight against the menace. 
Globally, 8.2 million people die of cancer every year, which constitutes 13% of all deaths (WHO, 2017). Out of these, 4 million die prematurely; between the age of 30 to 69years. In Nigeria, a number of famous people, notably wives of prominent politicians, have been lost to cancer within the past few years. 
DEFINITION: Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the body. Many cells which make up our bodies grow continuously. However, this growth must be coordinated to ensure a healthy, harmonious and proportional body. If any cell or group of cells escape this coordination, cancer sets in. Cancerous cells could invade and attack adjoining organs and destroy them. They could also get detached and move through the blood stream to different parts of the body where they continue independent growth, a term referred to as metastasis. Without prompt treatment, death often occurs.
TYPES OF CANCER: Cancers are classified depending on the part of the body affected. Any part of the body can be affected, hence we may have cancer of the mouth, ear, throat, lungs, skin and so on. However, there are parts of the body that are commonly affected in males and females. According to WHO, the 5 most common sites of cancer in men diagnosed in 2012 were lung, prostate, colorectum, stomach and liver cancer. Similarly, in women we have breast, colorectum, lung, cervix and stomach cancer.
WARNING SIGNS: Early awareness of signs and symptoms allows early diagnosis and treatment. Hence, the slogan 'early detection saves lives'. If you notice any of these symptoms, see the doctor immediately:-
A sore that does not heal
Unusual bleeding/discharge
Thickening or lump
Indigestion/difficulty in swallowing
Notable change in bowel movement
Ongoing cough or hoarseness
RISK FACTORS: These are situations that may expose one to cancer:-
Carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer on contact, eg ultraviolet and other ionizing radiations, asbestos etc)
Tobacco and alcohol use
Genetics (in our common language, "it's in the blood")
Unhealthy diet and physical inactivity
Being overweight and obese
Age (older people are at more risk)
Viruses (Human Papilloma Virus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV)
Note: Tobacco use causes 20% of global cancer deaths alone. Quit smoking!
Do not use tobacco
Protect your skin from excessive sunlight
Eat a healthy diet
Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active
Practice safe sex and avoid risky behaviors (promiscuity or many sexual partners)
Get immunized (Cervarix and hepatitis vaccines)
Know your family medical history and do regular cancer screening as recommended
1. Breast Self Examination: To be done at 7-10days after the last menstrual period (select a day in every month if you are past menopause). Check the Breast thoroughly for abnormal changes in size, shape and colour, as well as check for lumps, dimples, depressions, pains and so on. 
2. Mammogram: For women from 40years upwards, once every 2years or more frequently if there is personal or family history of cancer. Visit the hospital for the use of a machine to test your breasts. 
3. Pap Smear - to be done once every 3 years form age 21 to 65 (women).
 4. Prostate: Prostate antigen blood test and digital exam to be carried out once every 2 years from 40years, and once every year from 50years (men). 
5. Colon: Stool test once a year from 40years and colon imagery, once every 5-10years from 50years (men and women). 
Join the fight against cancer. It is still killing many.
Thank you!

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