Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump fires acting AG Sally Yates after refusing to defend travel more!!!

 - Accusing her of betrayal and insubordination, President Donald Trump on Monday fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general of the United States and a Democratic appointee, after she publicly questioned the constitutionality of his controversial refugee and immigration ban and refused to defend it in court.
The dramatic public clash between the new president and the nation's top law enforcement officer laid bare the growing discord and dissent surrounding Trump's executive order, which temporarily halted the entire U.S. refugee program and banned all entries from seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days.
The firing came hours after Yates directed Justice Department attorneys not to defend the executive order, saying she was not convinced it was lawful or consistent with the agency's obligation "to stand for what is right." Trump soon followed with a statement accusing Yates of having "betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States."
He immediately named longtime federal prosecutor Dana Boente, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, as Yates' replacement.
Boente was sworn in privately late Monday, the White House said. He promptly order Justice Department lawyers to "do our sworn duty and to defend the lawful orders of our President."
Boente said Trump's executive order was "both lawful on its face and properly drafted."
Yates' refusal to defend the executive order was largely symbolic given that Sen. Jeff Sessions, Trump's pick for attorney general, will almost certainly defend the policy once he's sworn in. He's expected to be confirmed Tuesday by the Senate Judiciary Committee and could be approved within days by the full Senate.
The chain of events bore echoes of the Nixon-era "Saturday Night Massacre," when the attorney general and deputy attorney general resigned rather than follow an order to fire a special prosecutor investigating the Watergate scandal. The prosecutor, Archibald Cox, was fired by the solicitor general.
Yates's abrupt decision reflected the growing conflict over the executive order, with administration officials moving Monday to distance themselves from the policy. As protests erupted at airports over the weekend and confusion disrupted travel around the globe, even some of Trump's top advisers and fellow Republicans made clear they were not involved in crafting the policy or consulted on its implementation.
At least three top national security officials -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, who is awaiting confirmation to lead the State Department -- have told associates they were not aware of details of the directive until around the time Trump signed it. Leading intelligence officials were also left largely in the dark, according to U.S. officials.
Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, said that despite White House assurances that congressional leaders were consulted, he learned about the order in the media.
Trump's order pauses America's entire refugee program for four months, indefinitely bans all those from war-ravaged Syria and temporarily freezes immigration from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Federal judges in New York and several other states issued orders that temporarily block the government from deporting people with valid visas who arrived after Trump's travel ban took effect and found themselves in limbo.
Yates, who was appointed deputy attorney general in 2015 and was the No. 2 Justice Department official under Loretta Lynch, declared Monday she was instructing department lawyers not to defend the order in court.
"I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right," Yates wrote in a letter announcing her position. "At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the Executive Order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the Executive Order is lawful."
Trump said the order had been "approved" by Justice Department lawyers. However, the department has said the Office of Legal Counsel review was limited to whether the order was properly drafted, but did not address broader policy questions.
Other parts of Trump's administration also voiced dissent Monday. A large group of American diplomats circulated a memo voicing their opposition to the order, which temporarily halted the entire U.S. refugee program and banned all entries from seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days. White House spokesman Sean Spicer challenged those opposed to the measure to resign.
"They should either get with the program or they can go," Spicer said.
The blowback underscored Trump's tenuous relationship with his own national security advisers, many of whom he met for the first time during the transition.
Mattis, who stood next to Trump during Friday's signing ceremony, is said to be particularly incensed. A senior U.S. official said Mattis, along with Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford, was aware of the general concept of Trump's order but not the details. Tillerson has told the president's political advisers that he was baffled over not being consulted on the substance of the order.
U.S. officials and others with knowledge of the Cabinet's thinking insisted on anonymity in order to disclose the officials' private views.
Despite his public defense of the policy, the president has privately acknowledged flaws in the rollout, according to a person with knowledge of his thinking. But he's also blamed the media -- his frequent target -- for what he believes are reports exaggerating the dissent and the number of people actually affected.
After a chaotic weekend during which some U.S. legal permanent residents were detained at airports, some agencies were moving swiftly to try to clean up after the White House.
Homeland Security, the agency tasked with implementing much of the refugee ban, clarified that customs and border agents should allow legal residents to enter the country. The Pentagon was trying to exempt Iraqis who worked alongside the U.S. and coalition forces from the 90-day ban on entry from the predominantly Muslim countries.
"There are a number of people in Iraq who have worked for us in a partnership role, whether fighting alongside us or working as translators, often doing so at great peril to themselves," said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers in Trump's party sought to distance themselves from the wide-ranging order.
While Spicer said "appropriate committees and leadership offices" on Capitol Hill were consulted, GOP lawmakers said their offices had no hand in drafting the order and no briefings from the White House on how it would work.
"I think they know that it could have been done in a better way," Corker said of the White House.
AP writers Matthew Lee, Lolita C. Baldor, Erica Werner, Jonathan Lemire and Vivian Salama contributed to this report.
Acting Attorney General Sally Yates earlier Monday ordered Justice Department lawyers to stop defending the executive order, which temporarily suspends the U.S. refugee program and bars all immigration for citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries for 90 days. By Monday night, she was out.
"The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States," the White House press secretary's office said in a statement.
Trump named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve in Yates' place until Sen. Jeff Sessions, his permanent pick for the position, is confirmed by the Senate.
The Yates decision came as Trump pressed into his second week in office defending his sweeping immigration ban. Protests persisted at major airports, and concern mounted from U.S. diplomats and members of his own party.
Trump denied that his order was to blame for weekend chaos at the nation's airports, instead pointing to computer glitches, demonstrations and even the "fake tears" of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer.
The president publicly shifted his focus, signing an executive action aimed at cutting regulations for small businesses and teasing his plans to unveil his Supreme Court pick Tuesday night.
But the immigration ban remained at the forefront of his first fortnight in the White House -- and officials were pondering more actions moving forward.
According to a draft document obtained by The Associated Press, Trump is considering an executive order that would target some immigrants for deportation if they become dependent on government assistance.
The draft order calls for the identification and removal "as expeditiously as possible" of any foreigner who takes certain kinds of public welfare benefits. Such immigrants have been barred from the U.S. for the better part of a century and they can already be deported. The proposed order appears to signal a Trump administration effort to crack down on such welfare cases.
Another draft order under consideration would make changes to several of the government's foreign worker visa programs. The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comments on the draft orders.
Trump immigration order prompted predecessor Barack Obama to wade into politics for the first time since leaving office.
A spokesman for the former president said Monday that Obama "fundamentally disagrees" with discrimination that targets people based on their religion. Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis alluded to but did not specifically mention Trump's order but added that Obama was "heartened" by the civil engagement being seen across the country.
Obama has said he will give Trump room to govern but will speak out if his successor violates basic U.S. values.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump's order was "about the safety of America," while the new president played down its impact, saying on Twitter that just 109 people were detained and held for questioning. White House officials have said that was during the first 24 hours after the ban.
But nearly 400 legal permanent residents were delayed upon their arrival back in the United States between the time the travel ban was signed and Sunday evening, according to a federal law enforcement official. All of those people were ultimately allowed back into the country.
The official said one other green card holder is now facing deportation after an extra background check done after the executive order was signed revealed a criminal conviction. Details of that person's case were not immediately available.
The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to publicly disclose details of the travel ban's implementation.
Trump's order, which also halts all refugee admissions for 120 days, does not address homegrown extremists already in America. And the list of countries it applies to -- Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen -- doesn't include Saudi Arabia, where most of the Sept. 11 hijackers were from.
Growing numbers of Republican lawmakers expressed concerns about Trump's action. Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Tim Scott of South Carolina said in a joint statement that "the manner in which these measures were crafted and implemented have greatly contributed to the confusion, anxiety and uncertainty of the last few days."
Washington state's attorney general said he would sue Trump, making Washington the first state to announce a legal action against the administration. Democrat Bob Ferguson was one of 16 state attorneys general who released a statement Sunday calling Trump's action "un-American and unlawful."
A number of U.S. diplomats also prepared a memo criticizing the order. In a "dissent cable" being drafted for State Department leadership, the diplomats said the ban runs counter to American values and will fuel anti-American sentiment around the world.
The cable originated in the State Department's Consular Affairs bureau, which handles visas.
Unfazed, Spicer retorted that if "career bureaucrats" have a problem with the order, "they should either get with the program or they can go."
The president also mocked Schumer, the New York Democrat who grew emotional as he called the ban "un-American." Said Trump: "I'm going to ask him who was his acting coach."
Trump blamed an airline glitch for much of the disorder at the nation's international airports that dominated the weekend's news. Though a Delta systems outage Sunday night led to departure delays and cancellations of at least 150 flights, the chaos started the day before as protesters packed some of the country's major airports.

Hausa man threatens Nigerians over alleged Buhari's more!!!

 A Northerner on Facebook, Haruna Maitala, has reacted to rumour about alleged death of President Muhammadu Buhari.

He took to Facebook to issue a warning, saying there will be civil war if anything happens to Buhari. Read as posted in a group called 'Nigerian Civil Right Movement' on Facebook:

"President Buhari is healthy and enjoying his time in UK, God forbid if Buhari is to die Christians/Southerners should not celebrate because Osinbajo or any other Christian will not take power because this power belong to the North (Hausa/Fulani) we will never agree to lost power how we did in 2010.
"If Osinbajo did not resign then another civil war awaits Nigeria. Or Buratai should stage a coup. Or they should bring anyone else from the North (Hausa Fulani) as far as our brother is in power we are satisfied. This should serve as warning".
Just recently, a pastor in Onitsha, Mmadukolu Christain Ejike, took to social media to wish the president a quick death. According to pastor Ejike, President Buhari can die just like former Nigerian presidents, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and Sani Abacha, who died while on seat.
Nawa oh!

Biafra: No politician sponsoring our more!!!

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has denied claims that some politicians are sponsoring its struggle for the freedom of Biafra.
The group said reports making ground that the group’s activities are being sponsored by some Nigerian politicians are false and baseless.
A statement signed by the IPOB spokespersons, Emma Nmezu and Clifford Iroanya, said the reports showcased the prominence of brown envelope journalism in Nigeria.
Condemning such, IPOB said,: “To set the records straight, one of the cardinal rules in IPOB is that we don’t mingle with politicians nor do we accept any monetary gift or inducement from any politician.”
The group said politicians have also found it difficult to entice the group and its members with either money or gifts.
Nmezu said: “IPOB is a global mass-movement that no single individual is capable of funding because we are in over 100 countries and territories all over this earth.”
“Who in their right mind in Nigerian politics can afford what it takes to fund IPOB we ask?” the group asked.
Nmezu further said it depends on monthly contributions and free will donations by dedicated members of the group to sustain the activities of IPOB.
“IPOB depends on monthly contributions of dedicated family members all over the world for its sustenance. We do not have moneybags nor do we have politicians among us with bags of money to sponsor our activities and never will.
It will constitute an insult to the memory of our fallen heroes and departure from our principled stance should IPOB seek to accept the engagement of politicians in our activities,” Nmezu added.
Also releasing a video, the IPOB accused the leader of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign state of Biafra (MASSOB) Raphael Uwazurike and the group of collecting monetary gifts and items from politicians.
The IPOB said MASSOB collected N3 million and 50 bags of rice from a former governor of Imo State, Ikedi Ohakim.
Nmezu said the gifts were collected to support Ohakim in his campaign for gubernatorial election in Imo state.
“We reiterate that IPOB under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has no dealings with any politician. We throw a challenge via this press statement that if there is any politician who claims that he or she has donated a dime to IPOB funds let that person come out and provide the evidence in secret to Punch Newspaper.
“We are aware that there are mushroom organizations who append IPOB to their name in order to get gratifications from politicians. Some of them have even signified their intention to abandon the quest for Biafra restoration and venture into Nigerian politics, using the upcoming gubernatorial election in Anambra state as a launch pad.
“In IPOB, we are cognizant of the fact that Schedule-7 of the General Abdulsalami-written Constitution is a show-stopper for any Biafran who engages in Nigerian politics. It is practically impossible to continue with Biafra restoration process with Schedule-7 still in existence in Nigerian Constitution.
“The reason is that every Nigerian politician must subscribe to Schedule-7 of the Constitution before assuming any office. We therefore warn the public to note that our name is simply Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), no additions, no subtractions.
“Any organisation with any alphabet before or after IPOB in their name is not the same mighty IPOB led by Nnamdi Kanu that the whole world is talking about.
“Uwazuruike a.k.a Ifeajuna instead was the person that collected money from politicians to fund MASSOB.
“Biafra restoration is a divine project whose time has come, and Chukwu Okike Abiama has ordained that it must come to pass.
“For us it remains Biafra or Death!!!”


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a shout out to U.S. President Donald Trump Saturday that critics of the president’s plan to build a wall along the southern border ought to take a look at.

Now, opponents of a border wall generally seem to make two objections: cost and effectiveness. As the prime minister has noted, the Israeli wall was effective at stopping illegal immigration. And as Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz has written, border fencing in San Diego area has proven effective at reducing apprehensions of illegal aliens attempting to cross the border here in the United States.

As for the cost? The savings from reducing crime, and preventing illegal immigrants from claiming welfare benefits will help a border.

Zuckerberg Hits Trump’s Immigration Policies, Says America Must ‘Keep Door Open to Muslim Refugees’ more!!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is criticizing Donald Trump’s plans to build a border wall with Mexico and to limit migrants entering the United States from several Muslim countries.

The criticism indicates Zuckerberg’s growing interest in national politics outside his company’s business concerns.

This week, Trump signed several executive orders, including one to start the process of building a wall across the southern border with Mexico, and one to establish a temporary ban on some refugees entering the United States until proper vetting processes are put in place.

In a Facebook post, Zuckerberg said that he is “concerned about the impact of the recent executive orders signed by President Trump,” adding that “we should also keep our doors open to refugees and those who need help.”

“We need to keep this country safe, but we should do that by focusing on people who actually pose a threat,” Zuckerberg said.

“Expanding the focus of law enforcement beyond people who are real threats would make all Americans less safe by diverting resources, while millions of undocumented folks who don’t pose a threat will live in fear of deportation,” he continued.

Since at least 2013, Zuckerberg has funded an unsuccessful lobbying group, FWD.US, which has allied with other business groups to push for rules allowing U.S. companies to hire more cheap foreign white-collar professionals — such as H-1B contract workers — instead of American graduates. The business groups also pushed for higher immigration rates, which increase the total number of consumers in the U.S. economy. This broad push for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” failed in 2014 amid public opposition, but business groups are expected to try again in 2017 and 2018.

Trump says his number one priority will be the deportation of migrants who have criminal records or who pose a threat to national security, although he originally promised to deport all illegal immigrants from the United States.

Zuckerberg’s comments are perhaps the first time he has openly criticized government policy. His relationship with Barack Obama appeared to be friendly. He has never formally endorsed any political candidate, despite.

TRUMPED: The UN is freaking out as Trump makes moves to destroy the world’s most useless more!!!

Say what you’d like about President Trump, but you cannot fault him for moving quickly on his campaign promises. We, however, will speak highly of him as his ideals are exactly what this country needs.

Apart from the border wall, Trump made tons of campaign promises. Most candidates that do get the honor of becoming the President of the United States, take months and months to push anything through as they play political hardball. Trump is wasting ZERO time in making his presence known.

What he just did to the UN, another of his many excellent campaign promises, will have everyone on the left squirming. We love this!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Nnamdi Kanu: We’ve lost confidence in ECOWAS court —IPOB... read more!!!

THE Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has expressed their disappointment with the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (ECCJ), alleging that it lacks the courage and impartial mindset needed to deliver justice promptly in the case instituted by Mr. Nnamdi Kanu.
  The group said that the ECCJ has failed to live up to expectations, adding that it does not expect justice from the court given numerous adjournments of the case.
  In a statement by its spokespersons, Mr. Emma Nmezu and Dr. Clifford Iroanya, IPOB expressed disappointment over the multiple adjournment of the case.
  The statement read in part: “IPOB is appalled that the ECCJ has reneged on its roles and responsibilities. We assert that there is absolutely no reason for the ECCJ to dilly-dally in making a ruling expeditiously in the case of violation of fundamental human rights instituted against Nigeria since March 2016.
  “Recall that on March 2, 2016, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu filed a lawsuit at the ECCJ against the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the issue of violation of his fundamental human rights and sought enforcement of same rights as well as compensations from the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  “At the October sitting of the ECCJ, the case was adjourned to November 8, 2016. When the case came up on November 8, the presiding judge, Micha Wright, again adjourned it to February 9, 2017 for ruling. On January 17, 2017, and without waiting for the February 9, 2017 date, the ECCJ again adjourned the date of the ruling to March 7, 2017, with a caveat that even the March date is subject to further adjournments.”
  IPOB added: “We ask the ECCJ the following questions: Why will it take more than one year to hear and deliver judgment on a simple case of violation of fundamental human rights? Why the multiple adjournment at the stage of delivering judgment?”
  “How come the cases of Sambo Dasuki and Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky which bothered on the same fundamental human rights violation were started and concluded within six months? Is it because Nnamdi Kanu is a Christian or is it because he is from Biafraland and not from the northern part of Nigeria?”
IPOB further noted that “the ambivalence and the seemingly compromised attitude of the ECCJ is one of the factors propelling Biafrans to seek the restoration of the nation of Biafra. In Biafra, we will show the world that we do not settle for dismal and cowardly performance when it comes to the dispassionate and timely dispensation of justice.”

Saraki sacks 100 aides....

Strong indications emerged yesterday that the Senate President, Bukola Saraki, may have sacked over 100 of his political aides he appointed soon after he assumed office in 2015. 
Sources familiar with the development told Sunday Sun that Saraki did not spare any of his political appointees.
One of the sources said the sack came as a rude shock to his aides, as none expected it to happen anytime soon. He said the aides, some of who had no portfolios, but received monthly salaries from the National Assembly bureaucracy were unaware of the sack.
The sack is, however, expected to take effect in May, 2017, just a month to Saraki’s second anniversary in office. Saraki was elected in controversial circumstance as Senate President.
Those affected include his Chief of Staff, his Advisers on Media, Political Matters, Inter-Governmental Affairs, Youth Affairs, Chief Press Secretary, among others.
The running cost of Saraki’s office and his Deputy’s, Ike Ekweremadu, including salaries of aides, Sunday Sun gathered, is over N1 billion monthly. It was also gathered that Saraki decided to overhaul his cabinet to give room to his close allies and friends to come in.
The source, who spoke to Sunday Sun, said over 90 percent of Saraki’s current aides were appointed through referrals, adding that the Senate president wanted to placate some people who played roles in his emergence.
“Some of the aides are siblings of serving and former Senators and many neither have portfolios nor offices in the National Assembly,” the sources said. Sunday Sun further learnt that Saraki was also uncomfortable with the attitude of some of aides, who are either currently facing trial or in running battles with security agents.
Saraki was elected Senate President on the June 9, 2015. His emergence was against the wish of his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC). Ahmed Lawan who was anointed by the party to be the Senate President was recently named as the new Leader of the upper legislative chamber.
Saraki is currently facing trial over an alleged false declaration of assets when he held sway as governor of Kwara State between 2003 and 2011.
However, when contacted, Saraki’s Media Aide, Yusuph Olaniyonu, said he was unaware of the sack, but disclosed that there was an ongoing staff audit.   

Instead of Biafra agitation, go back home and develop South-east, Charly Boy tells more!!

Former PMAN President and self-styled ‘Area Father’ Charly Boy has never been a forgiving person when it comes to addressing national issues. He is a man who fights on the side of the common man without fear or favour. Love him or hate him, one thing is that, you can never ignore this indefatigable entertainment personality, especially when he is charged on an issue. In a recent chat with Potpourri ‘Area Father’ lashed out at his Igbo brothers agitating for the State of Biafra, saying they are not students of history. He berated them for forgetting so fast the pains and anguish the Igbos suffered during the last civil war in Nigeria.

“Now people are shouting Biafra but I say they don’t know what they are talking about. Experience is the best teacher and those of us that experienced Biafran war first hand know this is a foolish venture. During the war, my village was like the war theartre and I saw people dying per second all around me. There was death everywhere. If you have been seeing gory pictures of Syria, how death visits from everywhere, it was the exact way Biafra was during the war. Believe me, bullets didn’t even kill us as much as hunger. You can imagine, you and your friends would be playing and all of a sudden there would be air raid. As you were running helter-skelter to take cover you would see some people’s heads being blown off their bodies. Such sights have never left me. I was about 17 years old then and now somebody is shouting ‘Biafra’. No. Continuing, he said, “If the people shouting for Biafra are serious they should go back to the South-east to develop the region. It is just not right going to another man’s land to develop it while leaving your own to lie fallow. After we must have developed the South-east, then we can be shouting Biafra. Biafra is a thing of the mind. Is it in this hunger you expect people to fight? How do you want to do that?,”

US begins implementation of Trump’s order, detain arrivals from Muslim more!!!

US begins implementation of Trump’s order, detain arrivals from Muslim countries
US authorities wasted no time implementing Donald Trump’s order halting Muslim arrivals, detaining travelers arriving at American airports within hours of the US president signing the tough new measures, media reports said Saturday.
The New York Times reported that airport officials as early as Friday night began detaining travelers, some of whom already had been aboard their flights when Trump announced his executive order closing America’s borders to refugees.
Trump’s order suspends entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days and indefinitely halts the admission of refugees from Syria.
It also bans entry into the United States from travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries — Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen — for 90 days.
The order paved the way for what Trump has pledged will be “extreme vetting” of visa applicants’ backgrounds — with some exceptions made for members of “religious minorities,” a caveat many see as a way to apply favorable treatment to Christians from majority Muslim states.
The move makes good on one of Trump’s most controversial campaign promises, when he vowed to stem immigration from various Muslim countries which he insists pose a terror threat to the United States, and to subject future arrivals to “extreme vetting.”
The Times said the detentions have been met with early legal challenges, as lawyers representing two Iraqi refugees being held at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport filed a court appeal for their release, alleging that the two travelers were being unlawfully detained.

No more Islamic Republic of The Gambia, says more!!

Former President Yahya Jammeh’s unilateral decision to name The Gambia an Islamic Republic is about to be reversed. Gambia’s new President Adama Barrow said the country will only be referred to as “The Republic of The Gambia.”
Jammeh made the controversial decision angering Christians in the West African nation. The declaration was criticized by Gambians as an attempt to surge sectarian divide that may lead to violent reprisals.
Churches were stopped from drumming during the Ramadan, Christians could not hold celebrations and festivities and some far right clerics attempt to connive with local officials to shutdown a Christian cemetery.
Jammeh’s Islamic state declaration was seen as a political move to lure the majority Muslim population to vote for him the elections and to gain financial support from Arab and Gulf states.
Jammeh’s relation with the West soured and the country’s main development partner, EU withheld more than €33 million in budgetary aid and the tourism sector suffered a major setback due to the regional Ebola crisis, forcing Jammeh to turn to Middle Eastern nations.
Jammeh lost elections last month over his controversial decisions. Barrow during the campaign promised to reverse them. Jammeh has since fled to Equatorial Guinea where he is said to be housed on an island

Saturday, January 28, 2017

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Armoured Helicopters: Governor Wike reveals that RSG wrote to FG to hand them over to more!!!

Armoured Helicopters: Governor Wike reveals that RSG wrote to FG to hand them over to NAF
Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has revealed that he officially wrote to President Muhammadu Buhari asking that the two armoured helicopters bought by the immediate past administration in the state .be handed over to the Nigerian Air Force.

He explained that he wrote the letter following the high custom duty charged for the helicopters and the refusal of the present administration to grant the Rivers State Government the waiver to clear the two armoured helicopters.
A statement issued by Simeon Nwakaudu, Special Assistant to the Rivers State Governor on Electronic Media informed that the governor spoke during an interview with editors of Sun Newspapers Titles on Saturday in Port Harcourt.
The governor said that it was unfortunate that Security Agencies would resort to political propaganda and outright lies, when the facts of the two armoured helicopters are public knowledge.
He said: "These helicopters were imported by the immediate past administration. When I assumed office,we wrote to the Federal government that it was strictly for security use. What am I going to use armoured helicopters for?
"In any case, where will the Rivers State Government get money at this time to import armoured helicopters. The previous administration imported it because they had the money.
"I went to to the Federal Government to give me a waiver for us to clear the helicopters, but the Federal Government refused.
"I wrote a letter to the President and to assure him that the helicopters are meant for security purposes, it should be handed over to the Nigerian Air Force ".
The governor added: "I am surprised that they have started propaganda and political falsehood on the said armoured helicopters. What kind of country are they turning Nigeria into ?
"We stated that we cannot pay the custom duties because the helicopters are not for commercial use. They are to be used to monitor the creeks and track criminals.
"I wrote to the President to give the helicopters to the Airforce. It is shocking that the custom would turn around to claim that they inpounded the helicopters. The Chief of Staff to the President admitted that I have done well when I wrote the letter to the President ".
It will be recalled that the immediate past Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi in December 2012 announced the payment of two helicopters for security surveillance.
Simeon Nwakaudu,
Special Assistant to the Rivers State Governor, Electronic Media.
28th January, 2017.

2 Detained at New York Airport and 7 in Cairo in Wake of Trump's Executive more!!!

Two Iraqis have been detained at Kennedy International Airport in New York City in the wake of President Trump’s executive order Friday on the suspending entry into the United States of people from certain Muslim nations and all refugees.
Court records confirm that a writ of habeas corpus was filed for the two Iraqis, Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq, in the Eastern District of New York, where the airport is located, and that Donald Trump has been named as a defendant.
The two men are not technically refugees according to the definition in the president's executive order but appear to be coming to the U.S. on visas, a Trump administration official tells ABC News. The executive order contains a caveat that allows certain individuals to be admitted to the country if there is a national security interest in doing so, and these two may be eligible for such an exemption, which must be agreed upon by the State and Homeland Security Departments, but the process by which this happens is unclear.
In addition, seven U.S.-bound migrants -- six from Iraq and one from Yemen -- have been prevented from boarding a flight in Egypt that was bound for Kennedy Airport, The Associated Press reports.
Officials said the seven migrants, escorted by representatives of the United Nations refugee agency, were stopped from boarding the plane after authorities at Cairo's airport contacted their counterparts at the airport in New York.
Trump categorized the executive order as part of a vetting plan to prevent “radical Islamic terrorists” from reaching American soil.
The seven-page document calls for an immediate suspension of immigration from countries with ties to terror -- Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Libya -- for a time period of 90 days. It also calls for the complete suspension of Syrian refugees for an indefinite period. It also calls on the secretary of state to suspend the entire U.S program for admitting refugees for 120 days while authorities review the application and adjudication process.
Trump told the the Christian Broadcasting Network that Christian refugees would be given priority over Muslims in applications to come to the U.S.
"We are going to help them," Trump said of Christians in Syria.
ABC News' Matt Foster and Aaron Katersky contributed to this report.

Is Buhari still angry with the more!!!

The South East and President Buhari seem to be mutually angry with each other. For the number of times that Buhari ran for the presidency, the Igbo were never enthusiastic about his candidacy. They had their fears and their reasons which basically are Buhari’s sharia instinct, his anti democratic tendencies and lack of depth on economic issues. Nd’igbo are basically Christians and republicans by nature. They are people that love democracy and in the main, entrepreneurs who cherish unfettered trade.
In 2015, mother luck smiled on Buhari without so much of the Igbo support. He defeated former President Jonathan, the preferred choice of Igbo elites to become the elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Buhari won with the Yoruba support.
However, two years into his presidency there are criticisms of his performance from across the political spectrum with hatred defining his politics and relationship with Nd’Igbo. Obviously, someone from the South East for many reasons is likely to view him as basically wicked especially given that he never hid his anger for those that didn’t vote for him whom he said should not expect to be fairly treated.
Besides his economic and trade policies that seem to target mainly Igbo businesses for destruction the list of anti-Igbo actions perpetuated by the current regime is now stretched beyond eye view suggesting the President may still be angry with the Igbo for not voting for him and is punishing them as much as he can.
The 2016 Christmas celebration was nearly ruined for Nd’igbo by the Buahri administration who introduced all manners of checkpoints with the customs topping the range in confiscating Igbo peoples vehicles and foodstuffs which they either termed contraband or duty under paid. Nd’Igbo never witnessed such a siege since the end of the civil war. The Igbo had no one to complain to but lament and curse their Nigeria citizenship.
The Igbo had no one in the top echelon of government to present their case to because under the current Federal Government, Igbo representation is abysmal and fall extremåely short of the constitutional provisions for the reflection of federal character in the appointment into important government positions. No arm of government namely, the Executive, the Judiciary or the Legislature is headed by an Igbo. No section of the Armed forces or parliamentary organization is headed by an Igbo. Where they came within shot of the tape, they were cleverly edged out without much of a pretense.
Neither the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal nor the Federal High Court is headed by an Igbo. This is against the back drop of the fact that there were precedents in the past where people earned double promotions just to balance Federal Character. Specifically, Lt. Col Shehu Yar’Adua was appointed to the position of Chief of Staff over and above his superiors just to ensure ethnic balance. There were also another instance when a Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation was appointed Chief Justice of Nigeria just to ensure ethnic balance and a former military head of State who was serving prison terms drafted to run for President just to douse ethnic tensions.‎ But when it comes to the turn of the Igbo to brace the tape the crown is denied because the goal post will be shifted.
The President didn’t hide his hate for the Igbo when he made it clear that his appointment must favor the States that voted overwhelmingly for him and those he trusts even against the provisions of our constitution relating to federal character. He went ahead to defy the zoning structure of his party and appointed a non-Igbo man as Secretary to Government of the Federation. He also ensured that the ministries with lean capital votes are the ones assigned to Ndigbo.
In further display of his anger against the Igbo he nominated Ambassadors for confirmation to the National Assembly, naming three ambassadors for some states and only one ambassador for each of the Igbo States. One year and eight months into his tenure as President, he has not visited any Igbo State whereas he has toured each zone of the country. As far as the regime is concerned the South East is not part of Nigeria but Biafra hence no railway construction is going on in Igbo land and the Enugu/Port Harcourt and Enugu/Onitsha Expressways remain national embarrassment. State Governors in Igbo States are forced to rehabilitate federal roads in Igbo land from their lean budgets so as to keep alive mobility of factors of production.
Federal projects that will attract revenue to the South East is either neglected or abandoned. Our gas and oil reserve are not explored while billions of dollars are being invested in the search for elusive oil in the Chad basin and parts of the North. Whereas 70 percent of power generated in China is from coal and 40 percent of America’s power is from coal, the coal in Enugu, which is a federal resource continues to lie unexploited. Ebonyi State continues to bring up the rear in federally allocated resources in spite of its mineral endowments of coal, salt and lead.
To make matters worse for nd’Igbo the President presented a $29.9 billion 3 year External Borrowing Plan to the National Assembly, which will potentially raise our total external debt to $41 Billion in three years and raise our debt to GDP ratio from 13.3% to 20.7% without considering it fit to allocate a single project in this external borrowing plan to the South-East.
For the up tenth time let me say it that the continued incarceration of Nnamdi Kanu is unhealthy for Nigeria. It is difficult to convince an average Igbo that Buhari loves him better than his cow. There is no way to explain away the killings of hundreds of Igbo youths by security agencies for doing nothing but march the street as people that want Biafra.
The right to self determination is the right every citizen should freely enjoy. Just like I have my right to proclaim my citizenship of Nigeria to high heavens, I believe the millions of men and women who want Biafra have right to their demand without fear of being killed by the state. To kill Igbo youths on the account of their agitation for Biafra is an abominable wickedness.
It is difficult to understand why the police who had killed hundreds of defenseless and armless demonstrators in the South East are unable to subdue AK47 wielding Fulani herdsmen who has been attacking communities and killing men and women on their beds and in the dead of the night. The killers obviously are free because they are Fulani and the dead will never get justice because they were Igbo.
The injustice and marginalization perpetuated against ndi Igbo by this regime has become an incumbent hatred that we must find a truce. The president if he is still angry with the IGBO on account of how they voted in 2015 should soften his anger as a father of the nation. He should try to listen to the demand of the people. As a good leader he should not close his heart against the cries of the led.
He should allow the sun to shine on all men and the rain to fall on every land. He should spread prosperity and evenly distribute amenities. He should find a way to douse the tensions in the land for a nation that breeds too much of disgruntled citizens is bound to crumble and we must guard against this.

Google launches advanced Gmail security features for govt. officials, more details below

Alphabet’s Google Inc said, on Tuesday, that it would roll out an advanced protection programme in order to provide stronger security for g...