Saturday, January 28, 2017

2 Detained at New York Airport and 7 in Cairo in Wake of Trump's Executive more!!!

Two Iraqis have been detained at Kennedy International Airport in New York City in the wake of President Trump’s executive order Friday on the suspending entry into the United States of people from certain Muslim nations and all refugees.
Court records confirm that a writ of habeas corpus was filed for the two Iraqis, Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq, in the Eastern District of New York, where the airport is located, and that Donald Trump has been named as a defendant.
The two men are not technically refugees according to the definition in the president's executive order but appear to be coming to the U.S. on visas, a Trump administration official tells ABC News. The executive order contains a caveat that allows certain individuals to be admitted to the country if there is a national security interest in doing so, and these two may be eligible for such an exemption, which must be agreed upon by the State and Homeland Security Departments, but the process by which this happens is unclear.
In addition, seven U.S.-bound migrants -- six from Iraq and one from Yemen -- have been prevented from boarding a flight in Egypt that was bound for Kennedy Airport, The Associated Press reports.
Officials said the seven migrants, escorted by representatives of the United Nations refugee agency, were stopped from boarding the plane after authorities at Cairo's airport contacted their counterparts at the airport in New York.
Trump categorized the executive order as part of a vetting plan to prevent “radical Islamic terrorists” from reaching American soil.
The seven-page document calls for an immediate suspension of immigration from countries with ties to terror -- Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Libya -- for a time period of 90 days. It also calls for the complete suspension of Syrian refugees for an indefinite period. It also calls on the secretary of state to suspend the entire U.S program for admitting refugees for 120 days while authorities review the application and adjudication process.
Trump told the the Christian Broadcasting Network that Christian refugees would be given priority over Muslims in applications to come to the U.S.
"We are going to help them," Trump said of Christians in Syria.
ABC News' Matt Foster and Aaron Katersky contributed to this report.

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