Wednesday, July 12, 2017

BIAFRA: GKS ministers sue for peace, more!!!

WARRI—MINISTERS of God’s Kingdom Society, GKS, have appealed to groups and individuals agitating for the break up of Nigeria to exercise restraint and tread the path of dialogue in order to save present and future generations from reliving the experiences of the last civil war.

A communiqué at the end of 2017 GKS Ministers Conference held in Salem City, Warri, the Church headquarters, urged the Federal Government and all aggrieved groups and sections of the country to tread the path of dialogue so as to create a conducive atmosphere for the articulation of policies and programmes that would calm frayed nerves and save the country from bloodshed. Quoting Proverbs 25:9 and 15:1, the church appealled to Nigerians to be cautious in their use of language by restraining themselves from using hate speeches.

“The resort to emotionalism and mutual recriminations were the ingredients that led to the outbreak of hostilities between Nigeria and secessionist forces in the destructive 30-month civil war, which some have called “the country’s most weighty calamity since self-rule”, the church stated, while appealing to the elders in various parts of the country to advise their people to be patient and to work together for the amelioration of their present conditions.

 “Since there can be no perfect system or arrangement in this world, both the leaders and the led must be prepared to follow the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another, until God’s Kingdom would take over the affairs of the whole world”, they stated.

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